El Blog del Air Hockey


Michael O'Rourke, la polémica hecha jugador de a.h.

Todo deporte tiene sus héroes, antihéroes y villanos. El air hockey no es una excepción en este sentido, ya que, pese a ser un deporte sin más contacto físico que el roce que se pueda tener al alternar las posiciones en la mesa, no está exento de polémica, especialmente en ese universo apasionante a la par que misterioso que es la escena airhockera norteamericana.

Se podría afirmar, sin mucho riesgo de equivocarse, que el villano por excelencia del air hockey estadounidense no es otro que Michael O'Rourke. No conozco su historia más que por los posts que he podido ir leyendo sobre él en los últimos tres años, ya que estuvo ausente del pasado Campeonato Mundial, así que sólamente podré contaros un par de pinceladas sobre él.
Pues bien, este californiano de 44 años tiene un largo historial de desencuentros tanto con la USAA como con la gran mayoría de jugadores del país. Dichas diferencias le impulsaron a crear Air Hockey Player, una plataforma alternativa a la USAA que planteaba diferencias sustanciales respecto a ésta, pero que no ha logrado cuajar entre los jugadores. Durante mucho tiempo fue considerado el mejor jugador de California, pero este hecho no evitó que acabara enemistado con la mayoría de jugadores de allí. Sobre la mesa ha sido acusado de exhibir conductas antideportivas con demasiada frecuencia, como reclamar demasiado al árbitro y frecuentemente sin razón, hablar en exceso, mostrarse irrespetuoso hacia el adversario y creo que prácticamente cualquier cosa que pueda ser sancionable con un conduct warning. Acusaciones más severas le hacen responsable de ser un mentiroso compulsivo y de arreglar desafíos al más puro estilo Luciano Moggi (como algunos recientes con Kerry Swayze u otro anterior con Dave Montano, con pasta -20$- de por medio.
Él por su parte se siente un incomprendido, reclama que gran parte del éxito del a.h. en los últimos años ha sido gracias a su persona y cree que la USAA le quiere marginar del deporte; en definitiva, que el mundo entero está en su contra. Especialmente dura parece su enemistad con dos jugadores en particular: Joe Cain y Mark Nizzi. Casi no pasa un día en el foro sin que haya un intercambio de acusaciones entre ellos y muchas veces parece que se hayan llegado a producir amenazas que pueden llegar al enfrentamiento físico entre O'Rourke y quienes él denomina los "bullies del air hockey".
En fin, que vemos que este señor es un auténtico personaje, más allá de si su visión es más ajustada a la realidad o no, sí es cierto que a lo largo de los años su nombre ha ido acompañado de polémica. Como sabéis, Cain y Nizzi son dos tíos que conozco personalmente, me caen muy bien y considero mis amigos, así que es lógico que mi visión tienda más a situarse de su lado.
Más allá del "trash talking", concepto muy habitual e incluso normal en el ambiente airhockero estadounidense, aunque llevado al extremo cuando se trata de O'Rourke, la vida sigue y en a.h., esto se ve sobre la mesa. O'Rourke desafió a algunos jugadores, entre ellos al mismísimo Davis Lee Huynh, número 2 mundial. Como era de prever, el partido en sí no tuvo historia y acabó con victoria para Huynh por 3 sets a 0. Sin embargo, la polémica no estuvo ausente, en especial entre O'Rourke y el árbitro, que no era otro que... sí, Mark Nizzi... Por lo que parece, la historia parece que quiere repetirse sin fin y que quizá no pueda terminar hasta que el ojo de alguien se amorate o la nariz de alguno sangre en abundancia. O quizá esto no sea sino un capítulo más en el turbio historia de Michael O'Rourke, sin duda, el jugador más polémico del air hockey.


  • >>Durante mucho tiempo fue considerado el mejor jugador de California, pero este hecho no evitó que acabara enemistado con la mayoría de jugadores de allí.<<

    Perdone mi español.. Pero desde que 1991 consideraría a nuestro amigo para no ser el mejor jugador de airhockey pero uno de un handfull de jugadores para ser considerado la cima de California. Los jugadores tales como Paul Pichulo, George Anderson, Chris Haggberg, Joel Whittom, David Gray y ahora Sotavento de Davis Huynh es y o estaba en el nivel o encima del jugador a proa mencionado..

    La traducción de este mensaje se hizo en un sitio web libre.. :)

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 30 de juliol, 2006  

  • Esto es extrapolable al korfbal, no?

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 30 de juliol, 2006  

  • Hola! TEST

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 31 de juliol, 2006  

  • Dave: welcome, my friend! mi conocimiento del a.h. californiano no es tan bueno como creía :-) quizá debería haber dicho "uno de los mejores" ;-)

    Yuanga: eh? me he perdido... qué quieres decir?

    Rosen: Hola :-) Thanks for your comment!

    By Blogger Mauro S.G., at 31 de juliol, 2006  

  • Hello,
    This is Michael ORourke. Please try to get the answers.

    1) MAYBE, in CA weekly events since 1990, the percentage of times when I finish in the top three of any event regardless of who is there, is like 75% of the time and MAYBE in the top 2 about 50% of the time. Even if I'm slightly wrong, it's still very impressive.


    Because Dave Parmley decided to respond ONLY to the part of Mauro post which talked about me being the best player for a long time here in CA, it's obvious they can not live with the fact, I'm good and I beat them in a table sport.

    Intersting that the players Parmley mentions, most are no longer active in tournaments.

    Last time I played Pichulo, he lost and left in frustration.

    Last time I played Anderson, he lost and left in anger and did criminal acts against another player.

    Last time I played Haggberg, he lost and before leaving, he picked up my mallet and threw it across the tournament area.

    Last time I played Joel, he lost and was angry but then shook my hand and got over it.

    Last time I played Davis Lee, he won, though I had not slept for the previous 24 hours because of what Anderson did to Kerry, but I still showed up and lost. Think the fact Lee paid Nizzi's airfare to come to CA just to ref, shows why there posts after the match are so negative.

    OK, maybe I am the most controversal player in airhockey, but the question would be why? And better yet, what has been done to others.

    A) How many active players post onto airhockey forums? Maybe 5% at the most. The reason is because the bullies.

    B) What has happened to all the players who competed in "weekly" Vegas events? More than 50 people and NOT one has continued with the USAA. Why?

    C) Where are all the FEMALE players? Maybe the USAA bullies have hurt other female players just as Kerry has been hurt, just maybe...

    ONE LAST THING. Mauro, it is NOT most the players in airhockey, but rather the minority of players. Nobody can really stand up and tell the truth on the forums because they too get attacted.

    Please Mauro, make direct contact with players from over the years and see if they can describe any problems with me. And when you find out it's only the wannabees here in CA that have hurt CA AH.

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 28 de juny, 2008  

  • Hey all !!
    I decided to respond in English instead of a bad translation website. :)
    In response to Mike O'Rourke. I would say from the time frame of 1990 - 2004 Mike landed in the top 3 better than his 75% estimation. I would say it was closer to 80%.
    Those numbers from an outsider who has no idea what is going on do indeed look very impressive.
    Mike tends to pat himself on the back alot.. These Friday weeklies he claims to dominate in, either had players of lesser talent, making very easy to succeed in those small tournaments. If the more talented players did come out and play they were out there for the relaxating competition that a tournament like that brings after a hard day of working all day... Something Mike did not have to worry about.
    The fact is, is that most of the upper level players prove the greatness at the National/International level tournaments, something he has rarely ever did. It is easy to come to the weekly tournaments with the mindset of kicking the other players butts who are tired after a long day work.. Its another thing to prove yourself by going to all these Las Vegas tournaments or Illinois tournaments.
    The assertion that there were 50 players in Nevada who stopped playing because of the way the whole AH community has treated the one and only Mike O'Rourke is ludicrous.
    Mike wants to make many people the bad guy.. He has called many players out for "their attitudes" to many to name here, but there is always one constant... Mike O'Rourke himself..

    I won't reply this time to the other comments but if he continues to make a big deal of those, I will rebuff them too..

    Dave P.

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 29 de juny, 2008  

  • OK Ms Parmley, lets look at what you just said:

    1) If your logic is accurate, then the other 2 players in the top 3 over the years, there effort was meaningless because you had to work?

    2)And to think players can just show up at Nationals and play there best without weekly competition, is obsurd. All the TX players got really great with the weekly events, not with the once a year Nationals.

    3)Never did I say 50 quit because of how I was treated. The fact is though, the USAA members must look at there own actions and when 50 players in Las Vegas do not continue with the USAA, it's obvious to see it has nothing to do with Michael ORourke, but everything to do with the USAA attacks.

    4) Yes, there is one constant Michael ORourke. Whereas many players have left airhockey because of the attacks by USAA members, I'm still standing, and will treat others as they have treated me.

    Parmley can rebuff anything he wants. It's like a cult trying to get new membership, they don't care about the truth, just who they can hook into there mental following. Just look at Parmleys closest players / friends:

    A) Haggberg = convicted felon
    B) Anderson = convicted felon
    C) Davis = convicted felon
    D) Puchulo = ex police officer and he won't hang around Parmleys crowd. etc etc etc

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 29 de juny, 2008  

  • Lets take these comments one at a time..

    1- No ones efforts are meaningless. The other "2" or should I say the rest of the CA AirHockey world did not take these meaningless weeklies as a serious event. All players outside of you had a job and a life to attend to and could not put their A+ effort in each week.

    2- Earth to Michael O'Rourke ... In case you have been hiding under a rock there is no place in the USA that is currently holding weekly tournaments. Yet for some reason the World Championship events are getting better and better with players getting better and better..

    3- You state "50 players in Las Vegas do not continue with the USAA"... What 50 players.. There is no record of 50 players.. Maybe 10 at most.. and 2 of them did come out and play.

    4-Feel free to name players who left VOLUNTARILY via these so called attacks??

    HAHA My closest player/friends??
    Now everyone knows you are making this up !!
    A- I have not seen Chris since I sent him packing into a spinoff bracket in Vegas in 2005..
    B- I haven't seen George since said he would never come out to a weekly he thought you might come around and accuse him of more garbage.
    C-Yeah me and Davis are friends
    D- I have seen Paul Pichulo 1 time in the at least the last 15 years. The only communication we had during that time was an email to let him know we had a World Championship tournament or about a weekly like I did many players.
    As for any of them being "felons", I would not know. I know you accused 2. I wonder when I will get accused/set up for the same thing. I know I am not the only one who worries about being accused of something like that. gawd thats nasty!! Its amazing what drugs will make a person say or do!! You really need to clean up your act.

    In fact this isn't even the forum to be having this conversation and I appologize to all who have worked on this site or read this site. I think its pretty clear to the complete AirHockey world what has happened in the past and why he has been banned from playing in these events.

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 30 de juny, 2008  

  • Mauro, nice article with valid points concerning sports in general. Your other articles are nice too, especially how you give credit or opinions on individual players here in the USA.

    Parmley, I'll take this issue over to my own blog:

    Have you talked with Kerry? But you made your mind up based on what Anderson says. Did you talk with the Police, Kerry or me about the facts? Why Not? Would you like to talk with Kerry about the facts?

    AS I told the Police when I was interviewed, "Dave Parmley is a good guy, but he runs with the crowd".

    By Anonymous Anònim, at 30 de juny, 2008  

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    By Anonymous Anònim, at 14 de novembre, 2009  

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